ArticlesIt All Began with One Baby One baby girl launched a baby-saving ministry in Papua New Guinea.
VideosWatch: Ukrainian Church Couldn’t Fit All Their Refugees in the Building, So They Did This Instead ABWE’s crisis fund is continuing to bear fruit through faithful churches serving suffering Ukrainians.
ArticlesPrayer Focus: When Your Faith Is Tested Living on mission means we’ll be tested. Yet our testing is not in vain.
PodcastsMedical Missions, Church Planting, and Lessons Learned in Africa: Steven Chmil A surgeon in West Africa shares why precision matters in medicine as well as in doctrine.
Features4 Ways to Pray for Myanmar Although ignored by western media, people in Myanmar face brutal war, hunger, and spiritual need.
ArticlesWhat Phineas Teaches Us About What Missionaries Should—And Shouldn’t—Do Phinehas was zealous for the Lord, but later in life he made assumptions without first asking the right questions.
ArticlesPrayer Focus: Counting It All Joy Missionaries may suffer greatly—and yet are called to rejoice.
PodcastsMission-Driven Christian Leadership in Cowardly Times Pastor Joel Wayne explains why there’s a leadership crisis and what Christians can do about it.
Features‘Who Is Your God?’: How Answered Prayer Draws Afghan Muslims to Christ Desperate prayers for help led Muslim families in Afghanistan to the true God and a new life mission.
ArticlesPrayer Focus: Hope for the Scattered and Confused Christ offers hope and peace to refugees from unreached people groups.
PodcastsThe Problem With Ethnicity in Missions Michael Crane explains “glurbanization” and why our definition of “people group” may be outdated.
ArticlesComing and Going: How the Gospel Compels Us to Frontier Missions Jesus gave the invitation to come and the imperative to go.
ArticlesWhat About the Kids? What is it like when a missionary kid becomes a parent to missionary kids?
ArticlesPrayer Focus: Continue in the Faith Our faith must have a locked-on focus on the gospel that includes proclaiming it throughout the world.
VideosWhat Is the Mission of the Church? Watch the Missions Podcast Live at #RMC22 Kevin DeYoung, Ian Hamilton and others sit down with ABWE’s podcast during the Radius Missiology Conference.
PodcastsThe Connection Between Theology and Bible Translation Pastor Steve Meister explains the connection between classical Christian theology and the assumptions we carry to the mission field.
VideosWatch: Pouring into Patients at Hôpital Baptiste Biblique Medical professionals and Christian leaders daily meet physical and spiritual needs in Togo—and you can join them.
ArticlesDo Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? Christian and Muslim ideas of God go beyond terminology and title to reveal differences in character and worship.