Prayer Focus: How Can It Be?

People groups created for God’s glory have yet to hear of his love for them.


“For by him all things were created,  in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or  dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created  through him and for him.” (Colossians 1:16 ESV)

How can it be?

A Bible teacher once said, “All means all, and that’s all that all means.” This verse in Colossians says that Jesus created “all things.” What does that mean? It means he created all things. This includes all things in heaven and earth that can be seen (Gen. 1:1), as well as all things that cannot be seen, like angels and demons (Eph. 3:10; 6:12). Christ as God and Creator is supreme.

Notice too, how Colossians develops this truth. All things were created by Jesus, through Jesus, and for Jesus. We exist by the work of his hands, through his creative agency, and for him. All of creation was designed for God’s pleasure, delight, and glory.

There are 38 million Fulani people living across 19 countries of Central and West Africa. The Fulani are the world’s largest nomadic people group, wandering from place to place seeking areas with abundant grass and water for their cattle. Nearly 100 percent of the Fulani are Muslims. They were created by Jesus, through Jesus, and for Jesus. Yet, these folks have never heard the name of Jesus. How can it be?

The words of the great hymn say:

Amazing love! how can it be?
That Thou, my God, should die for me!

How can it be is a legitimate question. How can it be that God would extend his amazing love to me? To you? To us, his church?

But at the same time, how can it be that millions of people on this planet have yet to hear of Christ’s amazing love? Two thousand years after Jesus uttered the words, “go . . . and  make disciples of  all nations,” the missionary task remains.

We have work to do.

This week, let’s pray:

“Lord, please help your church to see the need to reach the Fulani people. Raise up churches to send. Raise up teams to go. Do a mighty work to proclaim Christ to this group who have never heard his name.”

Prayer requests for reaching the Fulani:

  1. Pray for churches to catch the vision for sending teams to reach the Fulani.
  2. Pray for the first missionary team members who will open this work for ABWE.
  3. Pray for creative ideas and methodologies to reach these people.