Unbelief brings darkness.
Paul does not relent. The invisible God made himself visibly known in creation. Those who don’t believe this are without excuse.
Yes, they knew. Yet, they suppressed and rejected this truth by refusing to honor him as God.
Refusal to honor God as God is a refusal to worship. A refusal to give him thanks leads to futile and worthless thinking. The consequence is a darkened heart.
Roughly two-thirds of the world’s population lives in the darkness of unbelief. This includes every nation, even people in your neighborhood.
Many countries are characterized as unreached and unengaged. These are missiological terms meaning few laborers and no laborers respectively.
Their unbelief brings darkness. But whoever follows Jesus will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life (John 8:12).
Belief brings light.
This week, let’s pray:
Heavenly Father, I pray for those who actively reject you. Open their eyes. Raise up and empower workers around the globe. Enable them to make Christ known to those trapped in the darkness of unbelief.
Set a daily reminder at 9:38 to pray, and receive weekly encouragement to guide your prayers.