Should I Wait Until My Children Are Grown to Pursue Missions?

Is missions only for those without school-age children? Scott Dunford shares why we should rethink our hesitations.


Don’t rob your children of precious discipleship.

Scott Dunford, ABWE West Coast Mobilizer and former Vice President of Mobilization and Communications, shares at the 24 Hour DEMO event how cross-cultural experiences blessed his children in their upbringing both in terms of their personal development and their spiritual growth.

Scott Dunford

Scott Dunford is the pastor of Redeemer Church in Fremont, Ca., and vice president of Bayseed Collective, a church planting network in the San Fancsisco Bay Area. He cohosts The Missions Podcast. Previously he served as vice president of mobilization and communications with ABWE after his time on the field as a missionary. He and his wife, Tara, have one daughter and three sons.