ArticlesHow Is God Glorified When People Reject the Gospel? Our mission remains the same, regardless of the response to our message.
ArticlesMincaye: The World’s Most Famous Hunter-Gatherer, Changed by Jesus Let us celebrate the man who became the bridge for a whole culture in Ecuador to begin to encounter Christ.
ArticlesMothers and Missions: A Lesson From Jim Elliot Parents must resist the urge to hinder their children in the work of missions under the guise of parental protection.
FeaturesKnow God, Then Serve Him Learning a new culture and doing evangelism is hard. But for a missionary, the most important work—and sometimes most difficult—is worship.
FeaturesMissions Means Making Culture, Not Bulldozing It In his book God’s Image and Global Culture, Kenneth Nehrbass explains why missionaries are culture-builders in God’s multicultural kingdom.
Features5 Critical Reminders for Modern Christians on the Death of John Allen Chau Should Chau be lionized as an heroic Christian martyr, or should his memory be pilloried as a reckless, colonizing zealot?