ArticlesThe Solution to Restless Striving The wicked greedily seek more while the righteous find rest through faith.
ArticlesThe Certainty of Providence When the Lord makes a promise, there is no doubt that he will fulfill it.
ArticlesThe Secrets to Success in Christian Ministry Jude reveals four principles for fruitful and persevering service to the Lord.
ArticlesThe Three Letters That Define Christian Mission The Christian’s mission is to be undertaken “soli Deo gloria”—for God’s glory alone.
ArticlesMust the Lost Really ‘Hear’ the Gospel to be Saved? Millions live in remote corners of the earth without access to Scripture—but they too must hear the gospel to be saved.
PodcastsPatiently Waiting for Open Doors: Dennis and Rachel Weaver A missionary couple shows how God’s will, though not always easy to discern, is always good.