PodcastsWhat Lausanne Really Was Like With Paul Davis Paul Davis debriefs the good and bad of attending the Lausanne Conference.
PodcastsNorth Korea, Persecution, and Insider Movements James Cha explains the history of Christianity in Korea and the warning for missionaries today.
PodcastsThe Dangers of Insider Bible Translations: The Arlington Statement New trends in Bible translation pose grave threats to the doctrinal integrity of global missions.
PodcastsInsider Movements: Definitions and Dangers Matthew Bennett explains why believers in Islamic countries must not identify as “Muslim.”
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 4): Retaining the Motive, Rejecting the Means Although advocates of Insider Movement missions are often well-meaning, we must reject their methods.
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 3): Fruit Inspection As with any methodology, we must judge the fruit of insider-movement missions efforts by their fruit.