PodcastsAmerican Gospel or Biblical Gospel? Sean DeMars on the Danger of Prosperity Preaching What if the reason prosperity gospel is spreading in the Majority World is because it’s coming from American churches?
PodcastsAre International Churches Missional? Scott Zeller on Pastoring Expats Pastoring migrants in major world cities like Dubai isn’t just a means to an end.
ArticlesWord and Deed: The Church’s Mission Proclaiming the gospel and serving our fellow men are not mutually exclusive tasks for the church.
ArticlesThe Goal of Missions May Not Be What You Think Healthy local congregations aren’t a “Western” form imposed on the mission field—they are indispensable to God’s global goal of worship.
Articles2 Surprises From Ministry Travels Outside of the USA Certain lessons in ministry can only be learned through time spent overseas.
VideosHow to Be a Next-Level Sending Church Paul Davis, Scott Dunford, and Alex Kocman discuss how to take missions sending to the next level in this GARBC conference breakout.