PodcastsApologetics, Evangelism, and Revival in Norway Is one of Europe’s most secularized countries seeing the seeds of revival? ABWE missionary Nahum O’Brien answers.
PodcastsWhen the Church Can’t Gather What does Scripture require the church to do for worship, whether during a pandemic or persecution on the mission field?
PodcastsPresuppositional Apologetics in Missions: Vern Poythress Explains Apologetics isn’t just for the Christian talking to the atheist on the street—it’s for the pioneer missionary on the field too.
PodcastsShould Emotions Motivate Missions? Ryan Martin explores the connections between Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd, and the role of our affections.
PodcastsA Theology of Language: Dr. Vern Poythress Speaks Dr. Vern Poythress explains why language isn’t just a barrier for missionaries—it’s a gift that flows out of the Trinity itself.
PodcastsWhat Missionaries Need to Know About the Faith and Works Debate Chris Bruno explains why Paul and James’ different language on justification has more to do with contextualization than disagreement.