PodcastsWhat Missionaries Need to Know About the Faith and Works Debate Chris Bruno explains why Paul and James’ different language on justification has more to do with contextualization than disagreement.
ArticlesLessons From the ‘Apostle to the Indians’ This pioneering Puritan missionary centered his entire outreach to the first Americans around one theme: adoration of Christ.
ArticlesA Biblical Theology of Work and Identity, Part 4: Call or Command? When a subjective “call” to ministry is mistaken for a divine command, the result is unnecessary anxiety and guilt.
ArticlesSolus Christus: William Carey’s Missional Foundation William Carey’s ministry teaches modern missionaries that the Bible, not emotions or experiences, shapes how we preach the gospel.
PodcastsMichael Horton Answers: Should Missions Be ‘Radical’ or Ordinary? Has the constant drumbeat of being radical, crazy, and missional actually hurt the ordinary work of missions in the church? Dr. Michael Horton explains.
ArticlesShould We Be Reforming Our Churches While So Much of the World is Unreached? Reformation and missions go hand-in-hand. If we do not strengthen churches at home, we will undermine the gospel abroad.