ArticlesThe Solution to Restless Striving The wicked greedily seek more while the righteous find rest through faith.
ArticlesSitting on the Sidelines When God temporarily takes us “out of the game,” where do we go to find our identity?
ArticlesMissions as Rest in God Experiencing other cultures opens our eyes to see that we live in a frighteningly restless world.
PodcastsMichael Horton Answers: Should Missions Be ‘Radical’ or Ordinary? Has the constant drumbeat of being radical, crazy, and missional actually hurt the ordinary work of missions in the church? Dr. Michael Horton explains.
PodcastsHow Can We Prevent Missionary Burnout? Ministry burnout is real. Effective, preventative member care is part of the solution. Brad Winkler, ABWE’s Director of Member Care, explains how.