ArticlesGospel Need and Opportunity in South Asia In a region populated by unevangelized people groups, the church is growing where faithful believers are sowing seeds.
FeaturesAn Unexpected Journey to the Unreached Like Paul in Acts, an ABWE missionary in Colombia encountered a closed door—redirecting him to a ministry alongside local believers with even greater gospel opportunities than he ever envisioned.
PodcastsWhat Lausanne Really Was Like With Paul Davis Paul Davis debriefs the good and bad of attending the Lausanne Conference.
PodcastsHow to Reach Tribal People with Steve Sanford Exploring the unique complexities and challenges of church planting among unreached people groups.
ArticlesPeople of the Caribbean Basin Need the True Gospel Growing influences of religious syncretism, Hinduism, and Islam have created increased needs for the gospel in the Caribbean.
ArticlesShould We Prioritize Work Among UPGs? Missiological strategies based on the prevailing definition of unreached people groups may be theologically and sociologically untenable.