PodcastsWhat’s Best Next: Missions and Productivity Matt Perman shares how mastering our personal productivity can make a difference in global missions.
Features5 Ways to Balance Ministry and Marriage For those who are in full-time ministry, spousal expectations must be addressed explicitly before resentment sinks in.
PodcastsWhat Is Every Christian’s Calling? The Bible’s teachings on work don’t contradict its teachings about mission.
PodcastsPanel: Why Marketplace Missions Matters But Isn’t a Silver Bullet Everyone can make disciples in the workplace, but it takes more than marketplace missions to complete the Great Commission.
PodcastsC.R. Wiley on Missions, the Household, and the Cosmos Chris Wiley explains why the household isn’t just something to be sacrificed but actually cultivated in the name of missions.
ArticlesA Biblical Theology of Work and Identity, Part 3: Demystifying ‘the Call’ Oftentimes when Christians throw around the word “calling,” they mean desire—and there’s an important difference.