PodcastsHow to Get Students to Do Evangelism With Greg Stier Dare 2 Share founder, Greg Stier, talks about how to mobilize students to evangelize their peers.
ArticlesYou Are Replaceable The world advises us to become irreplaceable in our work, but serving Christ in ministry requires a different approach.
PodcastsDoes Generation Z Care About Missions? Mobilizers Tanner and Amber Callison share their wisdom about inspiring the next generation to pursue God’s heart for the nations.
ArticlesHer Days Were Numbered For the street children of São Paulo, each conversation could be their last chance to hear the gospel.
ArticlesStaying Connected With Your Church While Social Distancing The key to surviving church shutdowns is creating new touchpoints with the people you lead.
ArticlesThinking of Generation Z as an Unreached People Group Perhaps the key to reaching out to America’s newest and largest generation is to think missiologically.