PodcastsWhat Motivates Gen Z Towards Missions? Researcher Jolene Erlacher explains why what motivated millennials to become missionaries won’t motivate Generation Z.
ArticlesDo Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? Christian and Muslim ideas of God go beyond terminology and title to reveal differences in character and worship.
PodcastsThe ‘Three Worlds’ of Evangelicalism: A Paradigm for Missions? What happened to Christianity in the US, and can we apply the lessons in other countries?
PodcastsPride, Culture, and Mission With Josh Teis How can Christians approach a culture of pride as bold, humble missionaries?
PodcastsHow to Reach LGBTQ With the Gospel Jim Childs shares how humility and bold truth-telling both play a role in engaging LGBTQ individuals for Christ.
VideosHow Humility, Not Pride, Saved Jim From an Gay Lifestyle Jim Childs explains how God brought him to repentance after 30 years in the LGBTQ community.