PodcastsFlying by Faith: Steve and Sandy Aholt A family serving in a remote region chronicles the trials and triumphs of life on the mission field.
PodcastsPatiently Waiting for Open Doors: Dennis and Rachel Weaver A missionary couple shows how God’s will, though not always easy to discern, is always good.
PodcastsServing God Through Tragedy: Tim Bahula A missionary to the Caribbean proves God’s faithfulness through the sudden loss of his wife.
ArticlesEars to Hear: The Role of Reporting in the Missionary Sending Cycle Listening to missionaries share their ministry is a vital part of the sending process. These nine ideas will help supporters listen well.
PodcastsThe Clear, True Gospel: Expert Voices From the 2023 Radius Conference Missions experts from around the globe share why we can’t compromise on the gospel.
ArticlesBecome a Sending Parent Parents can be one of the greatest obstacles to missions—or they can embrace their commission from God as proactive senders, releasing their children into the harvest.