VideosT4G20 Webcast: The Local Church and the Nations Our expert panel answers: Who are “the nations” in the Great Commission, and what does that mean for the church?
VideosMilestones and Miracles: A Final Look at 2019 In 2019, God allowed ABWE missionaries to do greater things in the work of the Great Commission.
VideosFrom Prisoner to Pastor In Santiago, Chile, a violent criminal’s conversion is now leading to a life of ministry for Cesar.
VideosThe State of Missions in Latin America Although many consider Latin America largely “reached,” the work of gospel-saturation and discipleship is critically far from complete.
VideosWhy Missionary Schools Matter Without education options for their children on the field, many missionaries wouldn’t be free to do ministry.
VideosThe State of Missions in Africa Is Africa still the “dark continent”? However one describes it, the African continent is also a place of great gospel opportunity.