Jesus said the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. So what confidence we have that those who go out to work will reap abundantly! That’s why we want you to know that you have a vital role in global missions, even during a global pandemic. Here are five ways you and your church or small group can get deeply involved and do meaningful missions from home through Live Global, a ministry of ABWE.
1. Pray

When Jesus said the harvest is plentiful, his call to action was to pray. Every day, we publish news about a national partner that you can pray for—someone who is faithfully ministering, even during COVID-19. Join us in raising these men and women across the globe to the Father.
Fun fact: If you have an Alexa enabled device, say “Alexa, enable Live Global” and follow the prompts to find out how to pray that way too!
Check out our daily prayer requests.
2. Champion a Virtual Missions Conference

In the age of virtual church and remote working, we would love to help you champion a virtual missions conference with your small group, house church, or full congregation. We desire to help you and your group understand how God is already working globally, introduce you to some of the people He’s using, and share opportunities for cross cultural ministry engagement.
We’ll help you through the process—from choosing a conference emphasis to producing marketing materials—and we’ll connect you to resources to use for your virtual missions conference and afterward.
Connect with us and download a free toolkit.
3. Sponsor a Student
Live Global works with partners that focus on helping seminary students get through school. We also work with partners who care for and help provide an education for children rescued from human trafficking or otherwise vulnerable situations. Both types of students need sponsorship for their education. We’ve partnered with Bold Hope to help you sponsor one of them.
4. Teach or Disciple Overseas from Home

In Nepal, by God’s kindness and grace, the church has experienced a 2,400% increase in the last five years. The country is seeing the rise of first generation believers who are today’s children’s ministry leaders, pastors, and church planters in their country and beyond. But, because of this rapid growth, most of these pastors and ministry leaders have had only one day of training or less.
As a result, pastors and church leaders are often under-equipped to biblically shepherd their church bodies. This reality in Nepal is not uncommon globally. It is estimated that there are approximately 5 million pastors outside the United States. An overwhelming majority of them (about 85%) have very little training or no theological training at all.
Live Global is passionate about providing training and discipleship for national pastors and ministry leaders across the globe.
Because of the pandemic, it’s easier than ever for North Americans to connect with nationals online and do training and discipleship over Zoom or other platforms. If you are excited about spending even as little as a few hours a month this way, you can begin to fill out your profile to explore your fit and opportunities with us.
5. Provide a Global Stimulus

Praise God that those in the United States are able to receive stimulus money during hard times. However, right now, many people across the globe are close to starvation because of the lock-downs, illness, and other effects of the virus, with no hope of government provision. Live Global partners with national believers in dozens of countries who have shifted their ministry focus to evangelistic food relief for their communities during this pandemic. You can help provide the means for our national partners to buy food for their outreaches by giving to the Live Global Compassion and Relief Fund.
Explore ways you can give to compassion and relief efforts.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Live Global.