A Prayer for Playing Sports on the Mission Field 

A missionary mother in Spain prays for spiritual opportunities and personal growth as her son joins a local sports team.

God of big and small matters, my son is out there playing European football, running, passing, vying for control of the ball alongside other little boys who live in our town.

As I watch, I am more aware of how much he needs you as he goes about his missionary kid (MK) life. 

Be with him as he makes the switch from English-speaking MK to Spanish-speaking footballer.  

Thank you for what you’ve already done in this little world he occupies—that he understands his teammates, that he follows instructions from the coach, that his little body benefits from the physical exertion of playing sports.  

Thank you for the opportunity you give us through sports to meet other families, and to make local friends. Help us to avoid seeing the team as a project, as only an opportunity, because it’s also our son’s life, and it’s supposed to be fun. Help us not to make football an idol—not to consider it as the only way to meet people, go to college, fit in, or look like we belong here. 

Instead, help us remember that we belong here because you have placed us here; you have called us to be a light to these people.  

I see my son still a little off to the side, still a little apart from the other kids, and it makes me sad. I see him under the pressure of the coach’s words, feeling timid, shy, maybe not wanting to use his voice. I see him choosing the easy route. Help me see my child the way you see him, God. Help me see the lessons you have for him, the way sports teach our children unique lessons about hard work, perseverance, and how to win and lose well. 

As my son walks with you, let him see you at work through football, but protect him from making football his entire identity, making football an idol. 

Oh God, it seems so inconsequential, but I pray for skills. Make him excel at football, give him confidence, give him influence. And give him the character of a godly leader so he wields that influence for your glory. 

Grow him physically, so he will compete. Grow him mentally, so he will persevere. Grow him spiritually, so he will boldly declare the One who gives all good gifts.  

Let joy and play—good gifts from his Father in heaven—rule him when others are complaining and bitter. Let effort and strength emanate, and help him to apply those traits in every area of his life, both on and off the field. 

Rosalie Duryee

Rosalie Duryee has served in Spain with her husband, Chris, and two children since 2017. They work alongside a national pastor in a church plant outside Guadalajara and use opportunities like English conversation, hospitality, and community events to share the gospel and disciple young believers in their community. Support Rosalie’s ministry.

