ArticlesServing as Stained-Glass Windows: David and Debbie Woodard One missionary couple recounts the Lord’s faithfulness after a career of church revitalization in England.
FeaturesLights of Revival Transformed lives in Spain bear witness that Christ is building his church in all nations, not least of all in Europe.
ArticlesHow Cosmic Glory and Natural Disasters Showcase the Gospel Both the awe-inspiring beauty of creation and its destructive potential demonstrate important truths about God, man, and the provision for our redemption.
ArticlesFaith Triumphs Over Idols in Africa One young man finds the courage to stand against voodoo practices through biblical teaching from Hope Radio in Togo.
ArticlesThreads of Redemption A course in sewing and discipleship helps one troubled Tanzanian girl mend damaged relationships.
ArticlesAn Operation That Launched a Church A life-threatening illness leads to a transformed community in northern Togo.