FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 4): Retaining the Motive, Rejecting the Means Although advocates of Insider Movement missions are often well-meaning, we must reject their methods.
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 3): Fruit Inspection As with any methodology, we must judge the fruit of insider-movement missions efforts by their fruit.
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 2): Root Inspection When contextualization goes too far in Bible translation, the gospel is compromised.
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 1): Defining Terms While Insider Movement practitioners desire to see the gospel spread, their methods fall dangerously short of biblically faithful missiology.
FeaturesDefinitively Different: 3 Irreconcilable Differences Between Christianity and Islam While there is overlap between Christianity and Islam in key areas, the missionary must recognize the critical differences.