ArticlesTime to Rest The Drakes discover why furloughing from the mission field is indeed a recharge for ministry.
ArticlesCare for Uprooted Missionary Kids ABWE’s MK Care team encourages our families through resources, prayer, discipleship, and sometimes even just a hug.
ArticlesLife Lines In the midst of crisis, Member Care offers a “safe space” for missionaries and teams, and works hard to prevent crises by promoting spiritually healthy souls.
ArticlesProviding More Than Healthcare ABWE’s International Healthcare Ministries ensures medical missionaries are healthy and equipped for the field.
FeaturesThe Minister’s Sabbath Example When we refuse to take proper rest in ministry, we unconsciously communicate to unbelievers that our God is a heavy-handed taskmaster.
FeaturesDoing Missions Like John the Baptist When John lost one of his own disciples to Jesus, he was elated, not deflated. We must share the same focus.
PodcastsWhat Are Worldviews and How Do They Change? Can people really change? Dr. John Mark Yeats explains the work of missiologist Paul Hiebert.
VideosThis Is What ‘Calling’ Looks Like Raise Clark, missionary to Hungary, explains how God led her to go—and her local church to affirm her calling.
Features4 Keys to Sharing the Gospel With Buddhists We can begin to contextualize the gospel by starting on common ground with the problem of suffering.
Features5 Critical Reminders for Modern Christians on the Death of John Allen Chau Should Chau be lionized as an heroic Christian martyr, or should his memory be pilloried as a reckless, colonizing zealot?
FeaturesWhy We Don’t Send More Missionaries When all our missionary rally-cries are guilt-based and not grace-grounded, the result is a tired, small, weakened labor force.
PodcastsJustin Long: How Many Unreached Are There Really? How do we really know how many unreached people groups there are—and is that the thing we should be counting, anyway?
PodcastsScott Dunford and Bob Bixby on Church Planting in Silicon Valley The San Francisco Bay Area is truly a mission field—not only as a place to engage secularism, but to find unreached migrant communities.
PodcastsWhat is ‘Gospel-Centered’ Missions? The constant risk of mission drift means we can’t take the centrality of the gospel for granted—even in missions.
PodcastsA Conversation on John Chau, Missions, Methodology, and Martyrdom What can John Chau teach the church and the broader Western culture which condemns conversionary missions altogether as mere colonialism?
PodcastsMissionary Hope in a Cynical Age: a Chat With Jason Duesing Dr. Jason Duesing of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary explains how to have “mere hope” in an outrage-fueled society.
PodcastsIs Mentorship the Missing Ingredient in Missions? Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink explains the critical impact of one-on-one leadership development in cross-cultural ministry.
PodcastsAndrew Fuller: the Pastor Behind William Carey Travis Myers from Bethlehem College and Seminary shares lessons from the man behind the man behind modern missions.