Features5 Ways to Sabotage Your Next Missions Conference Your church’s next missions conference or event can easily fail if you make these five common mistakes.
FeaturesMissions Means Making Culture, Not Bulldozing It In his book God’s Image and Global Culture, Kenneth Nehrbass explains why missionaries are culture-builders in God’s multicultural kingdom.
PodcastsThe Key to Effectively Engaging Muslim Refugees Afghani believer Mariya Dostzadah Goodbrake shares how God brought her from Sunni Islam, through New Age mysticism and Roman Catholicism, to Christ.
FeaturesOn Patience With Teammates Patience means more than waiting. It also means longsuffering—the kind of longsuffering that ministry teamwork demands.
ArticlesThe Family I Didn’t Know I Had Short-term trips teach people lots of things, but this missionary learned a surprising lesson visiting persecuted believers.
PodcastsBenjamin Vrbicek on How Porn Kills Missions What factors drive a person in ministry to pornography for comfort, control, or stress relief—and what gospel hope is there?
FeaturesThe Awkward Missionary ‘Middle’ Between Poverty and Wealth Missionaries wrestle with guilt because of the poverty they see and envy because of the affluence back home, but God enables us to live content in the middle.
FeaturesWhat Arriving on the Field Is Really Like Life on the mission field isn’t easy, and infatuation with a new culture wears off quickly, but God’s faithfulness remains.
PodcastsWhere Are the Men? Danny Akin on Mobilizing Students for Missions How can we motivate students to pursue missions, and where are all the young men? Dr. Danny Akin of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary answers.
FeaturesExposing the Glory of God We rarely slow down to enjoy God’s glory in creation—which pales in comparison to the glory of the gospel.
PodcastsHow to Think Like a Missionary What does missional living look like in urban Detroit? David Doran Jr. answers.
ArticlesEvangelism on the Basketball Court Maicol Venter shares how basketball is opening doors for gospel conversation in Brazil.
FeaturesIsland In A Sea Of Trouble After volcanic eruptions ravaged this Cape Verde island, missionaries bring relief and hope.
FeaturesSoul Food How Nicaraguan churches are ministering to the bodies and souls of children in need
ArticlesPedaling for the Church How one Filipino pastor used bicycle cabs to transform lives in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan
FeaturesFertile Ground See how ABWE's Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship training resource is producing fruit
Articles3 Things Evangelism Isn’t In missions, if we get the gospel wrong, it doesn’t matter what else we get right.