PodcastsHow to Build a Sending Church Culture Where are all the new missionaries we so desperately need? They’re all around us—in the church—waiting to be sent.
ArticlesFaith In The Face Of Fear A mother's recovery from a difficult labor gives a power testimony to a village in Togo.
ArticlesMoving Forward A missionary family forced to move discovers God is the ultimate real estate agent.
FeaturesMissions On The Frontlines See the amazing things missionary Caleb Suko is seeing happen in devastated Ukraine through the help from the Ukraine Crisis Fund.
PodcastsWhy Missionaries Should Care About the Reformation What happened 500 years ago starting with men like Martin Luther matters today for missions. Jonathan Arnold of Boyce College explains why.
PodcastsDid the Reformers Believe in the Great Commission? The leaders of the Protestant Reformation are often regarded as caring only about internal reform, not mission. Is that stereotype accurate?
PodcastsWhy You Should Stop Sending Short-Term Over two million Americans go on a short-term missions trip each year, yet more than two billion remain unreached. Something isn’t working.
PodcastsWhat’s Wrong With Missions Agencies? In this premiere episode of the show, Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman address the pros and cons of parachurch missions agencies from a biblical perspective.
ArticlesClassic Theism: Basic Trinitarianism Few doctrines are as central to Christianity as the doctrine of the Trinity.
FeaturesSet Free God is using Chris & Maylin Hartwick to share His love with at-risk women in Hong Kong
ArticlesStreet Evangelism It was midnight when North America church-planter Dan Nichols first ran into Nasir...
ArticlesBringing the Next Generation to Christ Dephney Babalwa Phambaniso grew up familiar with violence, poverty and the concept of ancestor worship.
ArticlesBringing the Gospel to the Workplace Rebecca first noticed the gnawing emptiness in her heart shortly after her desk was moved next to Kevin, a Christian colleague.