ArticlesInspiration From a Bible Translator Whose Work Was Offensive The success of missions depends on letting the Bible cut to the heart.
FeaturesCelebrating 50 Years: Lynn Silvernale In her 50 years of ministry, Lynn and her team completed a monumental task: translating the Bible into the language of an unreached people.
PodcastsTranslating the Bible in 40 Weeks? Dan Kramer on Bible Translation Methods The Great Commission depends upon Bible translation. But can translation happen both quickly and accurately?
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 3): Fruit Inspection As with any methodology, we must judge the fruit of insider-movement missions efforts by their fruit.
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 2): Root Inspection When contextualization goes too far in Bible translation, the gospel is compromised.
FeaturesUnveiling the Muslim Insider Movement (Part 1): Defining Terms While Insider Movement practitioners desire to see the gospel spread, their methods fall dangerously short of biblically faithful missiology.