ArticlesBook Review: The Rise and Fall of Movements, by Steve Addison Helping Christian leaders understand the cycle and purpose of ministry movements.
PodcastsMailbag: Finishing the Task, Counting Converts, and Defining the ‘Call’ Can the Great Commission be “finished”? Alex and Scott explore in this week’s podcast episode.
ArticlesExplosive Growth Is Not Automatically Bad Without sacrificing the gospel or the marks of a true church, we must be willing to celebrate the growth of the Christian movement worldwide.
PodcastsDisciple-Making Movements: A Critical Discussion With Dr. Glenn Sunshine Are DMM and CPM built on bad theology, or are the critics just quenching the Spirit? Glenn Sunshine offers a counter perspective.
PodcastsThe Urgency of Eternity and the Dangers of Pragmatism Brooks Buser of Radius International shares why taking the gospel to the least reach matters—and why method matters too.
FeaturesStop Microwaving Your Missions Strategy In ministry, we often think fast results are best. But Scripture compares the righteous to slowly-growing trees and the wicked to quickly-fading grass.