ArticlesContextualization Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means Without commitment to learning language and culture, it’s futile to talk about meaningfully “contextualizing” the gospel.
PodcastsWhat Missionaries Need to Know About the Faith and Works Debate Chris Bruno explains why Paul and James’ different language on justification has more to do with contextualization than disagreement.
PodcastsHow Much Do the Unreached Know? We tend to ignore God’s revelation in nature, but general revelation is what makes the unreached accountable to God.
PodcastsBrad Buser on Tribal Religion, Contextualization, and Disciple-Making Veteran missionary Brad Buser shares why language learning and patient leadership training is critical to tribal ministry.
FeaturesWhy There’s No Such Thing as African Christianity Conrad Mbewe shares why fixation on cultural divisions drives fissures into the church, especially in missions.
PodcastsAre Honor and Shame the Keys to Cross-Cultural Evangelism? Many modern missions experts say that the West focuses too much on a gospel of guilt and innocence. Are they right?