ArticlesHow to Pick Your Church’s Christmas Giving Project If you church is choosing on a year-end project, don’t leave the decision to chance.
ArticlesHow Should I Spend My Stimulus Payment? 4 Biblical Principles With stimulus payments hitting bank accounts, it’s critical Christians know how to steward finances and prioritize the eternal.
ArticlesHow a Church Plant Is Paying Generosity Forward ABWE missionaries and their congregation donate money to build Trenton’s first pregnancy center.
Articles5 Non-Financial Ways to Support Global Missions Financial giving is not always an option, but every believer can be involved in rope-holding.
Articles47 Bible Verses About Helping Others: 7 Scriptural Themes for Generosity The gospel calls us to give ourselves freely to serve others, but we often resist.
Articles3 Reasons Church Members Don’t Give to Missions (And How to Fix It) Busy pastors shouldn’t be afraid to spur the people they lead to give sacrificially and generously towards missions.