ArticlesA Call to Churches to Unite for Missions: William Carey’s Vision Missionary statesman William Carey’s call for the entire body of Christ to engage in the Great Commission compels us to unite our churches in Christ’s cause.
PodcastsThe Truth About the Crusades and ‘Radical’ Islam With Raymond Ibrahim In order to be effective in global mission, we must understand the historic roots of Christian-Islamic conflict.
PodcastsAndrew Fuller and Combating Hyper-Calvinism With Jared Longshore Alex and Jared explore the complicated Baptist history of modern missions.
ArticlesRefined Gold The past sacrifices of missionaries and national believers inspire us to follow Christ’s leading into areas where he is not yet known.
ArticlesThe Two-Way Hardships and Dangers of Missionary Service The hope displayed by early missionaries carrying the gospel to distant shores can motivate modern missionaries facing risk.
PodcastsPreserving Missionary Fervor in Our Lives and Institutions: Brooks Buser and Pat Daly Discuss ‘Missionary’ Two guests share lessons learned from the lives of faithful missionary heroes.