ArticlesSpurgeon on the Problem With Modern Missions Charles Spurgeon recognized that many modern missionaries lack boldness in preaching the gospel.
ArticlesModern Missions: Global Growth, Humble Origins The history of the Haystack Prayer Meeting reminds us that God accomplishes massive things through ordinary means.
ArticlesIf Necessary, Misquote Saint Francis of Assisi All Christ-followers are called to lives of good deeds, but not at the cost of gospel proclamation.
PodcastsRace, Evolution, and Missions What are the connections between Darwinism and racism, and why is the gospel the only solution to partiality? Dr. Charles Ware answers.
ArticlesLessons From the ‘Apostle to the Indians’ This pioneering Puritan missionary centered his entire outreach to the first Americans around one theme: adoration of Christ.
Articles26 Convicting Missions Quotes for Sending Pastors Pastors are more critical in the task of sending new missionaries than they realize, and it starts with bold preaching.