PodcastsEvangelism, Media, and Saving the Unborn With Jon Speed Has the national pro-life movement failed—and what can we do better from a missionary perspective?
Photo EssaysImage Bearers and the Life-Changing Power of Stories A short-term trip to Nicaragua highlights the role of storytelling in affirming human dignity.
ArticlesNo, You Can’t ‘Netflix’ the Gospel Christianity isn’t another customizable product for your spiritual interests.
PodcastsIs Netflix Killing Missions? Tony Reinke on Media and Technology In a risk-averse culture, missionaries are tempted to withdraw into their screens. The solution is to be transfixed on a greater glory.
ArticlesMaking Disciples Online Find out how one missionary uses technology to form relationships across the world—without ever meeting them in person.
PodcastsHow to Be a ‘World Christian’ We define a “global Christian” and explain how missions-minded believers can practice the discipline of staying informed.