PodcastsTelling Effective Missionary Stories with Tim Keesee How do you effectively tell missionary stories?
PodcastsThe Best of 2024 – Year End Wrap Up Our favorite episodes and key takeaways from learning about giants of the faith.
PodcastsThe Gospel Worth Dying for – The Testimony of John and Betty Stam With Andrew Montonera History is full of incredible stories of those who have laid down their lives for the gospel.
ArticlesOur Great Cloud of Witnesses Christ extends his kingdom through ordinary, faithful people—and the lives of Steve and Sandy Aholt testify to his sovereignty across continents.
ArticlesLegacies of Faithfulness: Jim and Allene Latzko A vision for church planting launched a career that saw Filipinos saved, discipled, and sent as missionaries.
VideosUkraine Update: How God Has Provided Dr. Rudolph shares an update after receiving desperately needed medical supplies.