PodcastsPreaching People Out of the Pews: How to Mobilize From the Pulpit Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman discuss the type of preaching that motivates believers for mission.
ArticlesThe Purpose of Parables: What it Means to Teach Like Jesus Jesus’ teaching in parables reflects realities about people and his mission that remain true for us today.
ArticlesEvery Pastor’s Secret Advantage in Missions A pastor’s skills in exegeting and communicating Scripture provide a uniquely valuable toolkit for missions.
PodcastsRecovering Our Ambition Alex Kocman explains God’s blueprint for reaching the nations—through his people’s ambition.
ArticlesResponding to Preachers With Impure Motives Motives matter to God—yet we can rejoice that he uses even those with mixed motivations.
Articles5 Ways Pastors Can Prepare Missionaries Pastors can leverage the ministry they’re already doing to train future missionaries from within the church.