ArticlesSend Them Well: 5 Ways Churches Can Support and Sustain Missionaries These practical suggestions help churches send out missionaries equipped for success.
ArticlesLaunch Point: Helping Transform Lives and Serve the Global Church Short-term missions done well impacts lives for eternity and ignites a deeper passion for the Great Commission.
FeaturesReconciliation or Revenge? The Gospel Triumphs Over Tribal Conflict In a nation known for violence, one remote group of Papua New Guinean churches confronts crisis with compassion.
Articles5 Ways Pastors Can Prepare Missionaries Pastors can leverage the ministry they’re already doing to train future missionaries from within the church.
ArticlesIs Your Discipleship Model Missing Something? The biblical pattern for disciple making offers not only education and experience but also an example for following Christ.
ArticlesYou Are Replaceable The world advises us to become irreplaceable in our work, but serving Christ in ministry requires a different approach.