FeaturesHow Do You Choose an Unreached People Group? We must boldly go to the 7,000 people groups with no gospel witness—and these steps will help us determine where to start.
ArticlesThe Difference Between Unreached and Unengaged We can’t develop effective, biblical strategies for reaching the lost unless we rightly understand our categories.
FeaturesHow Do We Reach the Unengaged Unreached People Groups of the World? The unreached are calling to us—but few realize the special preparation required to reach the unengaged.
FeaturesWhy Prefield Missionary Training is Vital for Reaching Unreached People Groups Missionaries who desire to go to the most difficult places must be willing to undergo the most difficult preparation.
FeaturesReached or Unreached—Who Deserves Our Attention? Pastors and church leaders cannot afford to create a false dichotomy between work in reached and unreached contexts.