ArticlesSanctification: Different From Justification When it comes to justification and sanctification, you cannot have one without the other.
PodcastsThe Power of God in Missions The work of mission has never seemed harder. What power has God given the church to discharge its task?
ArticlesMissions and Zeal for the Father’s House In a day when we are pressured to be uncontroversial, we must remember that missions depends on a consuming zeal for God.
ArticlesMissions as Rest in God Experiencing other cultures opens our eyes to see that we live in a frighteningly restless world.
VideosChris Brown: ‘We are All One in Christ’ ABWE church planter Chris Brown explains how the church can recognize its unity in Christ in chaotic days.
ArticlesSay Among the Nations: ‘The LORD Reigns’ The gospel cannot be separated from the announcement that the Lord Jesus will judge all the nations with equity.