ArticlesHow (Not) to Engage Unreached People and Places Missionaries don’t always have to be the tip of the spear, blazing trails into the heart of lostness.
ArticlesAn Appeal to Obey Marching Orders Churches must remain focused on Christ’s mission to avoid expending disproportionate energy on lesser concerns.
ArticlesIndividualism and the Mission of the Church God’s mission involves dying to ourselves and joining with the body of Christ to carry the gospel to our communities and the world.
ArticlesWhy Work With a Missions Agency: A Guide for Pastors These considerations help church leaders determine how to effectively partner with a missions agency to support their missionaries and fulfill the Great Commission.
ArticlesInternational Churches as Strategic Gospel Multipliers International churches can serve as a base camp for enhancing the gospel witness in a city.
ArticlesWhy Should Modern Pastors Study Ancient Creeds? The historic creeds of the Church are an indispensable resource for communicating the essence of the Christian faith across cultures.