PodcastsMultiethnic or Homogeneous? A Discussion on Church Planting A young church planter shares wisdom on how to target lost people groups while cherishing the diversity of the body of Christ.
FeaturesAre All Missionaries ‘Church Planters?’ Rigidness in our terminology can neglect the fuller picture of missions.
PodcastsTranslating the Bible Isn’t Enough: Kyle D. on Bible Translation and Church Planting Wherever the Bible is read and obeyed, it births a local church.
FeaturesIt’s Not Our Job to ‘Finish’ the Great Commission Jesus will fulfill his promises, but we can’t trim the corners of our discipleship mandate to hasten the completion of the mission.
PodcastsTrends in Missions Panel Discussion With Paul Davis, Chad Vegas, Brad Buser, and Wayne Chen Speakers at the 2021 Radius International Missiology Conference discuss what’s most shocking—and encouraging—in contemporary missions.
PodcastsThe Dangers of Syncretism and How to Avoid It Are rapid growth techniques on the field allowing idolatry to slip into fledgling churches?