FeaturesMissions Means Making Culture, Not Bulldozing It In his book God’s Image and Global Culture, Kenneth Nehrbass explains why missionaries are culture-builders in God’s multicultural kingdom.
PodcastsWhat Are Worldviews and How Do They Change? Can people really change? Dr. John Mark Yeats explains the work of missiologist Paul Hiebert.
Features5 Critical Reminders for Modern Christians on the Death of John Allen Chau Should Chau be lionized as an heroic Christian martyr, or should his memory be pilloried as a reckless, colonizing zealot?
PodcastsA Conversation on John Chau, Missions, Methodology, and Martyrdom What can John Chau teach the church and the broader Western culture which condemns conversionary missions altogether as mere colonialism?
PodcastsHow Missionaries Should Think About Economics How should missionaries think about economics when they see poverty, corruption, or systemic injustices? Matthew Arbo answers.
PodcastsHow Iran’s Underground Church Is Miraculously Growing Two Iranian believers share how the Iranian church is standing firm amidst persecution, radical Islam, and political upheaval.