Cal and his wife, Carol, served as missionaries to Brazil since they were appointed with ABWE in 1985. Additionally, Cal served as the regional director for Brazil for the past 11 years, leading the teams there with his strong organizational skills and deep wisdom.
Cal and Carol encouraged the Brazil regional missionaries through their commitment to prayer and to personally visiting each field team as often as possible.
Scott Russell, ABWE’s executive director for Latin America served on the leadership team with Cal for the past seven years and notes the wonderful working relationship they had.
“Cal and I saw eye-to-eye on everything. He became not only a teammate but also one of the closest friends we had. But there are many who would say Cal was their best friend—he was just that kind of person.”
Sent by Parkside Bible Church, the Clarks have had 36 years of fruitful ministry in Brazil, first in Campinas in a team church plant, where the church continues to thrive today. During his ministry, he also taught evening seminary classes—faithfully making a 120-mile round trip to São Paulo. In 2004, the Clarks moved to Porto Alegre where they helped to start a new church plant and lead the team there.
Cal graduated from Cedarville University in 1981 and Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary in 1985. The Clarks were married that same year.
Since Cal’s junior year in college, he was actively interested in going overseas. During that year he took a missions trip to Brazil that deeply impacted him and ultimately lead to his future calling as a life-long missionary.
Cal had an instinct that helped him to wisely manage resources for the field and use them to advance the kingdom and bless the ministry work of his teammates and national partners. As a leader, he was a strong communicator and focused on interacting with and edifying his teammates.
Early in his presidency with ABWE, Paul Davis and his wife Martha were graciously hosted by the Clarks in Brazil, who took great care to introduce them to many missionaries serving there.
“Martha and I are deeply sorrowful at the passing of our dear colleague.

“The entire ABWE family has been blessed and strengthened by the leadership of Cal and Carol Clark. Cal served the Lord and the missionaries and ministries of Brazil missionaries so well. His gracious smile and servant’s heart will be missed,” Paul says.
Cal helped encourage and train Brazilian missionaries to serve in other parts of the world and traveled to several countries where these Brazilian missionaries served (British Guyana, Cape Verde, Portugal, among others).
He was instrumental in getting more Good Soil resources translated and launched in Portuguese, particularly The Roots of Faith: Old Testament and New Testament. Along with the Good Soil Brazil team, Cal personally taught over 1,000 Brazilian leaders all over Brazil in the Good Soil Basic Seminar and The Roots of Faith.
“We are saddened at the passing of our dear friend and teammate, but not as those which have no hope (1 Thess. 4:13),” Scott Russell says. “Cal served with integrity, passion, humility, and loved the missionaries he and Carol served. Praise God he is now healed and suffers no more. We miss him already but thank God we will see him again (Psalm 116:15).”
Cal and Carol have three children, Mrs. Jackie Zaigirdar, Nicholas Clark, and Mrs. Breanna DeSouza, who along with her husband, Junior, are currently on prefield with ABWE and headed to serve in Brazil.
A celebration of life service will be hosted for Cal Clark at the ABWE International Headquarters and live streamed on July 24, 2021.
Please pray for the Clark family. You can also support the Clarks’ ministry or give a memorial gift in Cal’s honor.