ArticlesModern Missions: Global Growth, Humble Origins The history of the Haystack Prayer Meeting reminds us that God accomplishes massive things through ordinary means.
Articles10 Ways to Get Your Congregation Engaged in Missions When missions is given center stage, every other ministry of the church enjoys the benefits.
ArticlesIf Necessary, Misquote Saint Francis of Assisi All Christ-followers are called to lives of good deeds, but not at the cost of gospel proclamation.
ArticlesWhat We Forget When We Define Missions Whether we define “mission” broadly or narrowly, we can be so theological that we forget the centrality of loving our neighbors.
ArticlesWhat Is Missional Theology? 5 Aspects of a Mission-Centered Approach to God and Life While the term “missional theology” can be easily mishandled, God’s missional heart for his people cannot be overplayed.
ArticlesA Woman’s Zeal for Truth Impacts an Entire Village Kesia went to the hospital with a damaged body. She left it with a renewed heart.