FeaturesStruck Down, but Not Destroyed Persevering through the devastation of the February 2023 earthquake, the Turkish church rises as a testimony of faith, served by ABWE workers on the front lines.
FeaturesThe Case for Long-Term Missions Planting self-led, self-propagating national churches among unreached people groups is always a long-term venture—and it’s worth the cost.
FeaturesLet the Nations Be Glad! 2022 Ministry Impact Report Rejoice with us over what God has done through ABWE ministries across the globe.
FeaturesReconciliation or Revenge? The Gospel Triumphs Over Tribal Conflict In a nation known for violence, one remote group of Papua New Guinean churches confronts crisis with compassion.
FeaturesA Call to Prayer: 4 Ways to Pray for Muslims During Ramadan A celebration that may feel foreign to Christians could present open doors for evangelizing Muslims.
FeaturesThe Missionary Spirit of Saint Patrick: 6 Quotes Long before he became an icon for a commercialized holiday, Saint Patrick stood a symbol of missionary zeal.