PodcastsAn Emphasis on Family: David and Becky Nelson A longtime missionary couple explains the importance of winning and keeping their children’s hearts.
PodcastsErased: What Every Believer Needs to Know About the Armenian Christian Genocide A global expert shares what the next crisis in Eastern Europe means for missions.
PodcastsIs There a ‘Crisis in Missions’? Evangelism is hard for everyone—even missionaries. An independent filmmaker asks: are we doing enough?
PodcastsEquipping the Nations: Ken and Alice Cole A veteran missionary couple recount their winding journey following the Lord’s leading in Asia.
PodcastsAre We ‘Unhinged’? What Genocide, Assassination, and Other Current News Means for Missions Scott and Alex analyze recent global headlines through a missional lens.
PodcastsPreaching People Out of the Pews: How to Mobilize From the Pulpit Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman discuss the type of preaching that motivates believers for mission.