PodcastsDoctrine, Pragmatism, and Movements: A Discussion With Ted Esler (Part 1) Where do movements fit into our understanding of the church? Scott and Alex dialogue with Missio Nexus president Ted Esler.
PodcastsSuffering, Eschatology, and the Glorious Reward in Missions Knowing our future hope helps us embrace suffering in ministry.
PodcastsIs Obedience-Based Discipleship Biblical? A Discussion A disciple must obey Jesus, but our efforts to obey can never save.
PodcastsThe Case for Missionary Care Ryan Martin explains how “holding the rope” isn’t a new concept—it’s biblical.
PodcastsReaching Europe Through Liturgy? ABWE missionaries Melissa Baccarella and Andy Messmer share how traditional worship can impact the unchurched.
PodcastsMultiethnic or Homogeneous? A Discussion on Church Planting A young church planter shares wisdom on how to target lost people groups while cherishing the diversity of the body of Christ.