PodcastsReaching Ferguson, Missouri: Chris Brown on Urban Church Planting There’s more to Ferguson than the headlines would reveal, and the gospel is spreading.
PodcastsInsider Movements: Definitions and Dangers Matthew Bennett explains why believers in Islamic countries must not identify as “Muslim.”
PodcastsIs Every Christian a Missionary? Matthew Ellison and Denny Spitters Answer In this throwback podcast episode, authors Matthew Ellison and Denny Spitters explain why if everything is missions, nothing is.
PodcastsThe Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulder Isaiah 9 says “the government” will be upon Jesus’ shoulders. What does this “Christmas verse” have to do with missions?
PodcastsDisagreeing Agreeably: Separation, Fundamentalism, and Cooperation in Missions Pastor Josh Teis explains what to do when missionaries differ on important issues.
PodcastsChildren: An Overlooked Mission Field? Awana missionary Taylor Lassiter believes that sharing the gospel with children can revolutionize cross-cultural church planting.