Watch: Why This Young Nurse Chose to Spend Her Life Among the Unreached

A nurse’s dedication to God’s leading launched a journey from the ER to the ends of the earth.

“What better way to spend my life . . . than by telling people about Jesus Christ?”

From the time she was a little girl, Ellie wanted to be a nurse. She pursued her dream to the ER of a local hospital, where God gradually softened her heart towards those lost and desperate for hope. Hear how her growing burden for the unreached launched a journey that revealed God had been preparing her since birth to serve as a medical missionary in a creative-access country.

Editor’s Note: You can read Ellie’s story here.

Ellie’s name has been changed for security.

You Can Help Reach the Unreached With the Gospel

We at ABWE believe that God is raising up a new generation to go to some of the farthest frontiers of missions. Recognizing that time is short, and eternity matters, we’ve launched the Open Initiative to send 7 teams to 7 unreached people groups in the next 7 years. Explore how you can join us through prayer, sending, supporting, or going.