Our Position Regarding the Local Church
ABWE is an independent mission agency governed by its own board and holding to a certain set of values and assumptions regarding the local church, which it serves.
- We believe that when it is functioning in obedience to Jesus Christ and His authoritative written Word, the church is the most powerful divine-human force on planet earth. Thus we seek to increase the impact and influence of the local church in all we do.
- We believe in the primacy of the local church in carrying out the Great Commission. It is the church that validates the mission and not vice versa. We have therefore historically had a majority of pastors who serve on the ABWE governing board.
- We believe in the autonomy of the local church. Therefore, no missionary or mission representative has a right to demand that a particular church submit to the authority of any other local church or group of churches.
- We believe in exercising the spirit of Christ, “speaking the truth in love,” in all dealings with missionaries, churches, donors, and critics.
- We believe in biblical integrity and doctrinal purity as expressed in the Scriptures and the ABWE Statement of Faith.
- We believe in supporting the duly constituted leadership of the local New Testament church through its pastor(s) and deacons.
- We believe that prayer for and service to the church of Jesus Christ leads to strengthening and multiplying the church worldwide.