Europe is home to almost 10% of the world’s population, and holds some of its richest history and culture. While museums and pristinely preserved churches remind us of ages past, little has been left unchanged on the continent, including the spiritual condition of its people. Once the thriving seat of Christianity and the birthplace of the Reformation, much of modern Europe has turned away from those roots and become increasingly secularized and post-Christian. Each passing generation has less exposure to religion over time, and today, most Europeans don’t find faith important or relevant to teach their children. It is another artifact of history.
Yet even in this difficult and dark spiritual landscape, we see a bright future. God’s love is moving Europeans to seek answers and new life in him. As the innate human desire for purpose and meaning emerges from unconcerned or calloused hearts, our missionaries are there to meet people with the good news of Jesus Christ. People are connecting with the gospel through summer camps, ESL ministries, and creative outreach events in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. Struggling churches are being restored and revitalized in the United Kingdom. Compassionate care is being offered to war-torn families in the Ukraine. God’s love is making an impact throughout Europe.
ABWE’s core ministries of evangelism, disciple making, and church planting are happening alongside local churches and national partners all across Eastern, Central, and Western Europe. Some countries are restricted or unsafe for forthright evangelism, but building relationships through ministries like education or sports outreach opens doors for sharing personal testimonies. Many people from closed regions of the world like Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa are immigrating to Europe—creating opportunity to share the gospel with unreached people groups, Muslims, and Buddhists more freely and train them for ministry in their home countries.
While each European country and its many people groups are unique in culture, political landscape, and religious beliefs, ABWE teams are going and growing in creative ways to multiply missions movements and leaders. The vision for a brighter future is unfolding!
Ministries in Europe include:
- Camp ministry
- Church planting
- Community development
- Evangelism and discipleship
- Education ministries
- Healthcare
- Leadership training
- Missions movements
- Muslim ministries
- Orphan care
- Pregnancy crisis centers
- Youth ministries
- Refugee ministries
- Team development
- Theological education
Any skill set or experience can be put to use to grow the gospel in Europe. We need more missionaries to help us inspire new faith in Christ, plant churches, and train leaders that will take the gospel into their communities and beyond, even into limited-access countries. Will you join us?