Critical Theory, Post-Colonialism, and Missions: Neil Shenvi on Social Justice

Are secular social theories affecting the way Christian approach global missions? Neil Shenvi shares his perspective in this exclusive interview.


Social justice. Critical theory. Post-colonialism. Intersectionality.

These issues have divided believers and unbelievers alike in the church over the last few years, and in 2020 the issue is impossible to escape. Is conservative evangelicalism beginning to compromise biblical teaching on complex social issues? And if so, what effect does that have on missions?

This week, Scott Dunford and Alex Kocman delve deep with Neil Shenvi, a noted Christian online personality who has researched and written on apologetics and the subject of social justice. Neil is a homeschooling dad, theoretical chemist, and member of The Summit Church in Raleigh, North Carolina.


Alex Kocman & Scott Dunford

Alex Kocman is the Director of Communications and Engagement for ABWE. He serves as general editor for Message Magazine and co-hosts The Missions Podcast. After earning his M.A. in Communication and B.S. in Biblical Studies, he served as an online apologetics instructor with Liberty University and a youth pastor in Pennsylvania, where he now resides with his wife and four children. Read his blog or follow him on X.

Scott Dunford is the pastor of Western Hills Church in San Mateo, Calif. Previously, Scott served as Vice President of Mobilization and Communications for ABWE and as a missionary in East Asia. Scott graduated from Northland International University (B.A. in Pastoral Studies), earned his M.A. in biblical studies from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, his M.B.A. from Cornerstone University, and is currently enrolled in Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s D.Min. program with an emphasis on missions.