“I have a story for you,” Emily called to the children gathered along the rocky riverbank.
The students, part of a summer school program led by Danny and Emily’s national partners in rural Mongolia, quickly abandoned their volleyball and card games to crowd around the storybook.
As they listened intently, Emily read about a shepherd boy searching for a lost sheep—mirroring their nomadic context in which life depends on raising sheep, goats, horses, yaks, and camels. The story provided a natural opening for the gospel.
“For most of them, it was their first time hearing about Jesus,” Emily reported.
One of the girls asked, “How can I know how to ask God for help?” Emily then realized that none of the children had access to a Bible.
“I started showing them a Bible app, a free audio version in Mongolian, and the kids were just amazed. They were practically swarming around me, saying, ‘Please, I want to hear this. Please, how can I download this?’” she said.
Ten girls followed her into the school dorms begging to read the gospel booklets she had brought from the city.
“I know God will use this,” Emily conveyed. “There are no Christians in that town . . . but it was possible to share the gospel because we and the teachers had built trust with these children, and their parents trusted us, and all that builds together to allow the gospel to really be heard, not just said.”

In a vast, 98-percent unreached nation, the summer school program has provided inroads to far-flung communities otherwise untouched by the gospel. To meet additional needs, Danny, Emily, and their local partners donate sheep to impoverished families and arrange veterinary training for herdsmen.
“When we meet with them later, we share the gospel,” said Danny. “Many people have accepted Jesus.”
Danny and Emily visit these communities throughout the year, driving along unpaved tracks through rivers, mountains, and windswept plains beyond the reach of internet or cell service to find each family’s ger—a portable round dwelling. They prioritize training teachers, providing biblical education for pastors, and encouraging new believers.
One couple lamented to Danny and Emily, “We’re the only Christians here, and we feel alone.”
Recognizing the need for biblical resources, Danny and Emily are developing a discipleship booklet and remain committed to engaging remote areas.
“That’s the uniqueness of Mongolia,” Danny commented. “But the gospel is spreading.”

Editor’s Note: Danny’s and Emily’s names have been changed for security.