Articles5 Ways to Encourage a Missionary in a Restricted-Access Country Overcoming communication barriers to encourage missionaries serving in restricted contexts is worth the risk.
ArticlesWhy Loving Your Neighbor Means Learning Their Language When reaching unreached people groups, learning the local language is crucial for loving God and loving others.
ArticlesA Case for Christian Optimism We can be assured that we are “immortal” until our Master’s purpose for us is accomplished.
PodcastsIs Revival Biblical? Alex Kocman and Scott Dunford discuss how missionaries should think about rumors of revivalism.
ArticlesBloom Where You Are Planted . . . or Don’t Rather than expecting our lives to flourish with external blooming, we can trust that God works within us to produce fruit in his timing.
FeaturesThe Kind of Revival We Should Pray For: 4 Traits Biblical examples of revival help us understand what kind of renewal we need and how to pray for it in faith.
ArticlesResponding to Preachers With Impure Motives Motives matter to God—yet we can rejoice that he uses even those with mixed motivations.
PodcastsWhat Biblical Theology Can Teach Us About Mission Dr. Scott Callaham calls for a return to biblical authority and sufficiency in world missions.
ArticlesSupporting the Families Left Behind: Parents of Missionaries A heartbreaking goodbye launched a new ministry to support parents of missionaries—and sustain missionaries’ ministry on the field.
ArticlesHow to Be Confident in Persecution We can be emboldened to share God’s Word knowing that the gospel is unstoppable.
FeaturesThe Joy of Participating in God’s Work Among Unreached Peoples As we proclaim the gospel to those encountering Christ for the first time, our own hearts are rekindled with joy and wonder.
PodcastsPartnering on Mission With Dr. James Renihan How can churches associate together on mission without losing their identity? James Renihan answers.
ArticlesIn Memoriam: Les Collins, ABWE Missionary A faithful servant of Christ has entered into glory.
Articles5 Ways Pastors Can Prepare Missionaries Pastors can leverage the ministry they’re already doing to train future missionaries from within the church.
ArticlesWhy Life on Mission is a Call to Suffer Hardship and suffering in the lives of believers can be powerful means of advancing the gospel.
PodcastsHope for American Evangelicals: A Missionary Perspective on Restoring Our Broken House Matt Bennett explains how Lesslie Newbigin’s roadmap to rebuilding the American church.
FeaturesWhere Are the Men? The reasons mature young men aren’t signing up as missionaries are the same reasons they aren’t in churches.
ArticlesIs Your Discipleship Model Missing Something? The biblical pattern for disciple making offers not only education and experience but also an example for following Christ.